Category Archives: Robin Williams

Two Words – “Jumanji Remake” – No, No and NO!!!

Jumanji would have to be one of my favourite films. Originally made in 1995, it does NOT need to be remade! Not now. Not ever! I saw it in theatres as a new release and I’ve watched it countless times since. I introduced my young son to it a few years ago. Of course, he was immediately hooked, proving the original works just fine for this generation of kids.


Hollywood needs to stop this ridiculous recycling of classic films, and in my opinion, Jumanji is a contemporary classic.

In the wake of Robin Williams’ untimely and tragic death, this is nothing but disrespectful. No one can play the lead in this film like him. That said, I get the feeling they’re going to springboard from the popular Night at the Museum franchise and go the way of Ben Stiller in this one. The link below suggests that original cast members, Bonnie Hunt and Kirsten Dunst, should jump on board for the remake. I really, REALLY hope they don’t!

My reaction to the news…even after my morning coffee!



Filed under Jumanji, Robin Williams